Snapshots in Time: A Personal Story

Guest post from Michelle Tat, MTPC Steering Committee Member:

Content Warning: This is not about data science. This is a long post that’s mostly a stream of consciousness. You have been warned!

Happy New Years everyone. It’s been a long time since I last posted, mostly because I’ve been busy at the new job, also because I’ve taken some time off to re-balance my life a little bit. But I’m back! At least for the time being.

There’s been one thing on my mind lately that I’ve been meaning just to get on paper. And it has everything to do with my identity. In the era where trans identities are at the forefront of the LGBTQIA+ rights movement, the stories that are played in the airwaves only scratch the surface of who we are and how any of us made it to “now”. Often times, trans folx, are seen as two discrete snapshots in time. Before and After. Then and Now.

Head over to Medium, to finish reading about Michelle’s journey.

Posted on December 30, 2017